Bee Gees Deport

Bee Gees Deport

Fans of the Bee Gees pop group march along Carnby-street, collecting signatures for a petition to protest against the Home Office’s refusal to let the group’s two Australian-born musicians stay on in Britain after September 17.

The placard-carrying fans also collected an order from the policeman in the picture. Move on, he told them.




A young girl stands outside Buckingham Palace protesting against the proposed deportation of the Bee Gees pop group by the Home Office.



The Bee Gees Girls pictured protesting outside the home of Chancellor of the Exchequer James Callaghan, near Falmouth, after 2 members of the Australian pop group have been told to leave Britain by the Home Office, which has refused to renew their work permits.

Band members to be deported are Colin Peterson (Drummer) & Vince Melouney (Guitarist)

27.08.1967 (?)


The Bee Gees pop group 1967
Elephant called Gilda and Pat Cameron with demonstrators





Fitas K7

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