

100 Proof Words
2 Live Crew, The Do the damn thing you should (You should be dancing)
231 To love somebody
3 Deep Juliet
42nd Street Singers, The Grease
50 Cent 50 Bars (samples I Can’t See Nobody)
6L6 Vem Pra Mim (=Run to me)
911 More than a woman
99 Reasons Why Spicks and specks
Aberdeen How deep is your love
Absolute CC Grease
Absolute fever Boogie child / Stayin Alive / Massachusetts / Night Fever / Nights On Broadway / How Deep Is Your Love / Tragedy / You Should Be Dancing / Ive Gotta Get A Message To You / Run To Me / Lonely Days / My World / Spicks And Specks / To Love Somebody / Words / Jive Talkin
AC Stayin alive
Academia Azteca, La Stayin alive
Ace Cannon To love somebody
Ace, Richard Stayin’ alive / If I can’t have you
Acoustic Sound Orchestra How deep is your love / Woman in love
Action Figures Whisper whisper
Adams, Joy Sweetheart
Adeaze How deep is your love
Adison, Bip Hey / Young man’s fancy
Adkins, Paul and the Borderline Band To love somebody
After Hours On time
Aiken, Clay To love somebody / Grease
Alan Tew Orchestra, The Massachusetts / Words / In the morning / My world / Lonely days / Jive talkin / An everlasting love / Emotion / Grease / More than a woman / Stayin alive
Albatross with Yanagi George I’ve gotta get a message to you
Alcatrazz Only one woman
Alejandro, Hajji Tag Araw Tag Ulan (=Charade)
Alice Massachusetts
Alien Only one woman
Alipour, Reza Heartbreaker
All 4 One I just want to be your everything
Allanson, Susie Words
Amateurs, The I’ve gotta get a message to you
Ames, Ed Massachusetts
Amin Spicks and specks
Amor, Juan S. Woman in love / How deep is your love / To love somebody / How can you mend a broken heart
AMP Paying the price of love / Too much heaven / How deep is your love / You should be dancing / To love somebody / Nighr fever / More than a woman / Stayin alive / Tragedy / Massachusetts / Words / Run to me
Anal Cunt Stayin’ alive
Anastacia, Mya, Ann Wilson and Mandy Moore You should be dancing / Stayin alive
Anders, Thomas If I can’t have you
Anderson, Audley You win again
Anderson, Carl Woman in love
Anderson, Lynn Words / Woman in love
Andikiru Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke)
Andre Kostelanetz and His Orchestra How deep is your love
Anepool, Duncan Radeloos (=Tragedy)
Angeles, Los Desastre minero Nueva York 1941 (=New York mining disaster 1941)
Angelina Emotion
Angle, Don Stayin’ alive
Animals, The To love somebody
Anita Kerr Singers, The Holiday
Anka, Paul Nights on Broadway (with Tom Jones)
Anthony, Dave Jumbo
Anthony, Richard Juliet
Apocalipsis In my own time / To love somebody
Appleseeds, The Exit stage right
Apson, Los Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke)
Ara Ketu Nunca te vou esquecer (=Woman in love)
Arashiro, Beni Emotion
Ardijah Love so right
Arearea Melody fair
Arena, Tina Night fever
Argiraki Stayin alive
Arianna Quel che sarai (=Stayin alive)
Ariel Woman in love
Aristakis How deep is your love
Arkansas More than a woman
Armando, Rafael Mensaje (=I’ve gotta get a message to you)
Arnesen, Helen Night of love
Arneson, Mark Jive talkin / Nights on Broadway / Love so right / You should be dancing / Stayin’ alive / Night fever / More than a woman / Too much heaven / Guilty
Arnold, Eddy I started a joke / Sweetheart
Arnold, P.P. Bury me down by the river / Give a hand take a hand / To love somebody
Arvid How deep is your love
Arvingarna Don’t forget to remember / Words / Run to me
Ashcroft, Johnny Don’t forget me Ida
Ashton, Gardner & Dyke New York mining disaster 1941
Asuncion Blues Stayin alive / Night fever / Tragedy
Atkins, Chet Islands in the stream
Atmosphere Scapegoat (samples Walking Back to Waterloo)
Aungier, Cliff Words / Morning of my life
Auriti, Paulo & I New Brothers Quando tornerai (=Don’t forget to remember)
Auscultate Immortality / How deep is your love
Austin, Thea I just want to be your everything
Austro Pop Countdown Saved by the bell
Awaken Until / Nothing could be good
B3 Night fever / Tragedy / How deep is your love / You win again /To love somebody / IOIO / Stayin’ alive / Too much heaven / Nights on Broadway / Jive talkin’ / How can you mend a broken heart / Massachusetts
Baby Lemonade How deep is your love
Baccara Woman in love
Backerstreet Words
Backstreet Boys How deep is your love
Bad Boys, Inc Ain’t nothing gonna keep me from you
Bad Plus How deep is your love
Baez, Joan The love inside
Baila Stayin’ alive
Bainbridge, Merril Sleeping dogs (With a sample of I started a joke)
Baker, LaVern To love somebody
Ball, Michael & Martine McCutheon Immortality / Islands in the stream
Ballroom Orchestra Heartbreaker
Balmer, Lori In your world / Treacle brown / Four faces west / Who’s been writing on the wall again
Bamse (Flemming Jørgensen) Only one woman / Words / To love somebody
Banda Brava Night fever
Banda Pelillos Palabras (=Words)
Banda Pirata Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke)
Bandana Stayin alive
Bandaros, Jai Woman in love
Bao Han How deep is your love
Bari, Nicola di I was the child / Cosi ti amo (=To love somebody)
Barker, Dave I ‘ve gotta get a message to you
Barnes, Jimmy To love somebody
Barnett, Mandy Words / Rest your love on me
Barrowman, John Grease
Barry, Steve &Lorraine Piche Lamplight / Trafalgar
Bartchs, Tom How can you mend a broken heart
Bass, Lance, Wanya Morris and Robin Gibb My lover’s praye
Bates, The Massachusetts
Batiz, Javier Night fever / Stayin alive
Batley, Noeleen Baby I’m losing you / Surfer boy / The wishing song / Watching the hours go by
Batt, Mike Suddenly
Bay Ridge Band, The How deep is your love / Stayin’ alive / You should be dancing / More than a woman / Jive talkin’
BB Band, The Stayin’ alive / Night fever /How deep is your love / You should be dancing
BBC Midland Radio Orchestra Words
Beals, Gary To love somebody
Beatfish Jive talkin
Beatniks To love somebody
Beautiful South I started a joke / You should be dancing
Bee Gees Fever Man in the middle
Bel Air Road to Alaska / Lay it on me
Belanger, Lucie The love inside / Wildflower
Belcanto Only one woman
Belle and Sebastian Stayin’ alive
Beloff, Jim Massachusetts
Belveau, Veronique Please dis moi (=Heart stop beating in time)
Benelux You stepped into my life
Benson, Jacky First of May
Bergfeuer IOIO
Bernie, Paul Islands in the stream
Berry, David Forever
Berry, Mike To love somebody / Words
Best, Dodle Birdie told me
Beta, Los Mundo (=World)
Betty Goo New York mining disaster 1941 / I started a joke
BGQ2 Marley Purt Drive
Bi, Angela Tu non lo sai (=To love somebody)
Bice How deep is your love
Big Tops I started a joke
Bilgeri, Reinhold Only one woman
Bilk, Acker Words / Emotion / Too much heaven
Bill Shepherd Singers The singer sang his song / Holiday / New York mining disaster 1941 / Massachusetts / Words / And the sun will shine / Day time girl / Birdie told me / World / Red chair fade away / Turn of the century / Swan song
Bird, Ronnie Si quelque chose m’arrivait (=New York mining disaster)
Bird and the Bee, The How deep is your love
Bjorn Again Woman in love
Black Crowes & Noel Gallagher To love somebody
Black Eyed Peas Joints and jams (samples Grease)
Black, Cilla First of May / Words
Black, Frances Love me
Blackfoot Brothers Night fever / Tragedy
Blanchfield, Jon Town of Tuxley Toymaker Pt 1 / Upstairs downstairs
Blas Angela / Emotion / Saw a new morning / Day time girl / Eyes that see in the dark / Kilburn Towers / Rest your love on me
Blaze How deep is your love
Blenders, The Jive talkin’
Blockster You should be dancing
Blonde on blonde Subway
Bloomfields, The The loner
Blue Banana Spicks and specks
Blue Lagoon Heartbreaker
Blue Rodeo To love somebody
Bluesea Queen Woman in love
Bluetones Woman in love
Blur I started a joke
Bohma, Dinu Woman in love
Bolton, Michael To love somebody
Bondadosos Palabras (=Words)
Bonk, Jamie Nights on Broadway
Bonner, Tony Wine and women
Bonnet, Graham Castles in the air / Warm ride / Only one woman
Bonnick, Errol First of May
Boogie Box High(George Michael) Jive talkin
Boogie Wonder Band Children of the world / Nights on Broadway / Stayin alive / Jive talkin / Night fever / Tragedy / You should be dancing
Borelli, Jean Claude How deep is your love / Tragedy
Bosman, Gloria Too much heaven
Botticelli Woman in love
Boulaye, Patti You stepped into my life / First of May
Boyd, Jimmy That’s what I’ll give to you
Boyjoys Run to me
Boys In Black More than a woman
Boyzone Words / Grease
Bradley, Jenny Who’s been writing on the wall / Chubby
Brady, Tony I will love you / Lucky me / Let’s stomp Australia way / It’s a surfin’ world
Brady, Peter Don’t forget to remember
Brame, Peter Massachusetts
Brandon, Bill One minute woman
Bravo, Patty Massachusetts / Quello che sento in fondo al cuore (=Lonely days)
Bravos, Los Como nadie mas (=Like nobody else)
Brazilian Love Affair How deep is your love
Breetles, The Horizontal
Breiner, Peter Massachusetts / First of May
Breiner, Peter Woman in love
Brett, Paul How deep is your love
Brigade, The All by myself
Brightman, Sarah First of May
Brine, Mark Words
Britain Singers, The Elisa
Britain Sisters, The Really and sincerely
Brizuela, Laureano Dearest
Brookstein, Steve How can you mend a broken heart
Brotherhood of Man Night fever / Tragedy / How deep is your love / Woman in love
Brothers Four I started a joke
Brothers in Crime How deep is your love
Brown, Busty To love somebody
Brown, Chelsea Love so right
Brown, Gary Grease
Browne, Polly To love somebody
Bruddah Waltah and Island Afternoon To love somebody
Bruhl, Heidi Mein Weg mit dir (=Spicks and specks) / Words
Bruno Bertone Sound Orchester Too much heaven / Night fever
Brussell, Barbara First of May
Bruzi Massachusetts
Bryk, Dan Night fever
Buble, Micahel How can you mend a broken heart
Buffoons Words
Buhner, Christian Jeden Samstag Abend (=Night fever)
Burdon, Burdon and The Animals To love somebody
Burns, Ronnie Coalman / Terrible way to treat your baby / Morning of my life / Butterfly / I’ll know what to do / All the king’s horses / Top hat / Exit stage right / One bad thing
Bury, Evelyn Don’t forget to remember
Butler, Angeline Sound of love
Butler, Jerry Love so right / Exit stage right / I’ll know what to do
Byron, April A long time ago / All the king’s horses / He’s a thief
C Loc Stayin’ alive
Cadogan, Susan Love me / Emotion
Caliente, Ricardo Massachusetts / I’ve gotta get a message to you / How can you mend a broken heart / To love somebody / Jive talkin’ / You should be dancing / Stayin’ alive / Night fever / How deep is your love / Too much heaven / Immortality / Guilty / Grease / If I can’t have you / Nights on Broadway / Tragedy
Califfi, I Cosi ti amo (=To love somebody) / Chiuso con tutti (=Close another door) / Forse cambiera (=When the swallows fly)
Campbell, Glenn Words / World
Campbell-Edwards, Paris You should be dancing
Campos, Santi y los Amigos Imaginarios No encontrarte (=To love somebody)
Candy Planet More than a woman
Capo di Capo The change is made
Capri, Peppino di Fiori di canto (=How deep is your love) / Un giorno di settembre (=Voices)
Captain Jack You win again
Caravelli To love somebody / How deep is your love / Tragedy / Woman in love
Carey, Steve Give your best
Carlier, Jo Saved by the bell / Don’t forget to remember
Carlisle, Bob To love somebody
Carlsen, Henrik Islands in the stream
Carnes, Kim To love somebody
Carola Angel of mercy / The runaway / Radiate / Brand new heart / Spread your wings (for your love) / Nature of the beast / When two worlds collide / (We are) Atomic / Lost in the crowd / So far so good / Everlasting love
Carpendale, Howard Stayin’ alive
Carr, James To love somebody
Carr, Vikki How can you mend a broken heart
Carter Twins Don’t forget to remember
Carter, Clarence Stayin alive
Carter, Deana How can you mend a broken heart
Carter, Mel First of May
Carthy, Martin New York mining disaster 1941
Cascades I started a joke
Cass, Mark How deep is your love
Castro, Jason I just want to be your everything
Casuals, I Massachusetts / Domani domani (=Tomorrow tomorrow)
Catherine Every Christian lion hearted man will show you
Cavallero, Mario You should be dancing / Stayin alive / Woman in love
Cave, Nick Massachusetts
C-Block You win again
Celldweller Tragedy
Celebrity All Star Jam Night fever / You should be dancing / Stayin alive / Jive talkin / How deep is your love / More than a oman/ Alone / Too much heaven / Love you inside out / Fanny / Love so right / Nights on Broadway
Celeste, Nick The greatest man in the world
Cepillin Bailando feliz (=Stayin alive)
Chacksfield, Frank How deep is your love
Chadbourne, Eugene I started a joke
Chaka Khan Jive talkin’
Chamberland, Chantal How deep is your love
Chambers Brothers, The To love somebody
Chan, Agnes To love somebody / Melody fair / First of May
Chau, Emil How deep is your love
Chelsea Strings How deep is your love
Cher How can you mend a broken heart
Cheung, San Yuet Nicola Angel of mercy
Chicas del son, Las Night fever
Chi-Lites, The To love somebody
Chipmunks Stayin’ alive
Cholo Azul To love somebody
Chong, Benny Spicks and specks
Chris Bruhn Orchestra Jumbo
Chris Parmenter Orchestra Massachusetts
Christers Only one woman
Christie, Lou Grease
Chumbawamba New York mining disaster 1941
Ciari, Claude Melody fair
City of Westminster String Band How can you mend a broken heart
Clapton, Eric Fight
Clark, Petula Give a a hand take a hand
Classic Dream Orchestra Massachusetts / Ordinary lives / How deep is your love / Words / Tragedy / Saved by the bell / Too much heaven / More than a woman / First of May / Don’t forget to remember / You win again / To love somebody
Claudius Alzner Group Massachusetts
Clay, Judy Stayin alive
Clayderman, Richard How deep is your love / All the love in the world / Juliet / Woman in love / I started a joke
Clear Haze Love so right
Cleeff, Theo van Don’t Forget to remember
Cleopatra I’ve gotta get a message to you
Cliff Habian Orchestra How deep is your love
Clifford, Linda Fanny Be tender with my love
Clique, The Holiday
Clouds Elisa / It doesn’t matter much to me
Co. Summer ends
Cockspur Steelband Islands in the stream
Coghill, Dan & Graham Gooch The extra mile
Cogoni, Michel Sans aucun mot d’amour (= Words)
Cohen, Leonard To love somebody
Collection, The Words / To love somebody
Colombier, Claude How deep is your love / Woman in love
Columbia Ballroom Orchestra Melody fair
Colvin, Shawn Words
Conniff, Ray Run to me / Emotion / How deep is your love / Night fever / Stayin’ alive / How can you mend a broken heart / Save me, save me / I just want to be your everything / Love you inside out
Contra Canto Te deixo assin (=How deep is your love)
Convidats, Els L’amor es profund (=How deep is your love)
Conway Twitty Rest your love on me
Cooke, Samona Subway
Coolidge, Rita Words
Coombe, Anita Louise What kind of fool / How deep is your love (duet with Adam Garcia)
Cordeiro, Edson Stayin’ alive / Night fever / If I can’t have you
Corgan, Billy & Robert Smith To love somebody
Corki & the Killer Burritos To love somebody
Cormack I’ve gotta get a message to you
Cornelia Words / Don’t forget to remember / First of May
Cornelius, Peter How deep is your love
Cosmus When he’s gone
Costa, Cesar Que tan grande es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Cotas 1 Woman in love
Countdown Dance Masters, The Stayin alive
Countdown Singers, The Immortality / Stayin’ alive / Night fever / How deep is your love / You should be dancing / More than a woman / Jive talkin / If I can’t have you / Boogie child / Grease / Nights on Broadway / Islands in the stream
Cousin Ice You stepped into my life
Coyote Marley Purt Drive
Cramer, Ben and Joke de Kuijf Grease
“Crash” Craddock, Billy To love somebody
Crazy Boys, I Fai un po quello che vuoi (=Words)
Crissy D Melody fair / Night fever
Cruisers, The Grease
Cruz y Raya Te tira pa tras (=Stayin alive)
Cunha, Rick Melody fair
Cunico, Gino Fanny (be tender…)
Curtis, Rhoda Baby as you turn away
Curtis, Tony How deep is your love
Cymarron How can you mend a broken heart
Cyril Ornadel and his Orchestra New York mining disaster 1941
Cyrkle, The Red chair fade away / Turn of the century / It doesn’t matter much to me
Da Brat Keepin’ it live (With sample of Stayin’ Alive)
DaForce, Ricardo Stayin alive
Dalida L’amour et moi (=The love inside)
Dame Edna Woman in love
Dana International Woman in love
Daniel, Britt How can you mend a broken heart / I started a joke
Danielsson, Kikki Oar i ett hav (=Islands in the stream) / Don’t forget to remember
David, F.R. Sir Geoffrey Le Sauveur (=Sir Geoffrey saved the world)
Davidson, John Words
Davies, Bryan Love and money / Watch what you say / I should have stayed in bed / Let’s stomp Australia away / I don’t like to be alone
Davis, Barrington As fast as I can / Raining teardrops.
Davis, Diane How deep is your love
Davis, Skeeter Don’t forget to remember / Elisa
Dawn Woman in love
Day, Bobby Spicks and specks
Day, Darren Wish you were here
Dayne, Taylor How can you mend a broken heart
De Souza Make it like a memory (sample)
Dead Artist Syndrome I started a joke
Deal, Bill and The Rhondels Words
Dean, Danny Stayin alive
Declan Only one woman / Saved by the bell
Delfini Quando tornerai (=Don’t forget to remember)
Denis and The Delawares Bad girl / They say
Destiny’s Child Emotion
Deuce and His Dancing Crew Stayin alive
Deux, Les Ces Mots (=Words) / Si l’amour est mort (=How deep is your love) / Au premier mai (=First of May) / Tellement bien (=Stayin’ alive) / Massachusetts / Fanny / Fievre de nuit (=Night fever)
Devlin, John Let’s stomp Australia away
Diamond Haze Tragedy / House of shame
Diaz, Chris How deep is your love
Dickey, Gwen (with Spikey T) Guilty
Difference, The To love somebody
DiFranco, Ani Stayin’ alive
Dijk, Mijk van How deep is your love
Dillon, Marc To love somebody
Dimension Zero Stayin alive
Dino Pensiero d’amore (=I’ve gotta get a message to you)
Dion, Celine Stayin’ alive / You should be dancing / Immortality
Dirtbombs, The I started a joke
Disco Flava You should be dancing
Disco on 33 Spicks and specks / Holiday / Massachusetts
Distel, Sacha How deep is your love
Divine Comedy I started a joke
DJ Dado More than a woman
DK5 Don’t wanna live inside myself
DMX The Convo (with a sample from Nights on Broadway)
Dobson, Dobby Words
DOM Dogs
Dona, Cristina How deep is tour love
Donut, Alice Every Christian lion…
Dooms UK Grease
Doonican, Val Massachusetts
Dorau, Andreas Die menschen sind kalt (=Wind of change)
Doucet, Suzanne Swan song / Sound of love
Douglas, Carol Night fever
Douglas, Johhny and His Orchestra Grease / How deep is your love
Dramarama Indian gin and whisky dry
Dread Zeppelin Jive talkin / More than a woman / Night fever / You should be dancing
Dreamsound Orchestra Night fever / To love somebody / How deep is our love / Massachusetts / Nights on Broadway / Words / You should be dancing / New York mining disaster / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Stayin’ alive
Dreski, Jill Heartbreaker / More than a woman
Droogs, The Boogie child / Fanny / How can you mend a broken heart / How deep is your love / Jive talkin’ / Lonely days / Love so right / Night fever / Nights on Broadway / Run to me / Stayin’ alive / You should be dancing
Duane Dee How can you mend a broken heart
Duo Balance Morning of my life
Dupree, Cornell Stayin alive / How deep…
Duran, Elena Heartbreaker
Durbin, Allison How can you mend a broken heart
Dusty Road Don’t forget to remember
Dwarf How deep is your love
Dweezil Zappa & Donny Osmond Stayin’ alive
Dynamites, The Massachusetts
Dynamo, Johnny Palabras (=Words)
Dyson, Ronnie Jive talkin’
E Sensual You should be dancing
Eagle Eye Cherry To love somebody
Eakes, Bobbie & Jeff Tracht Run to me
Ebstein, Katja Fluchtwege (=Heartbreaker) / Frieden in mir (=Peace in my mind)
Ed Berens and The Black Devils Spicks ans specks
Eddy Starr Orchestra, The How deep is your love / Too much heaven
Eddyson and Boddar Chain reaction / Shine shine
Edwards, Adina Don’t forget to remember / I’ll kiss your memory
Edwards, Jonhathan and Darlene Stayin’ alive
Eighty Seven Fifty Stayin alive
Elbert, Donnie You should be dancing / Love so right
Eldissa Stayin alive
Electric Ferrets The Lord
Element of Crime I started a joke
Eliseo del Toro y los 5 Musicales Massachusetts
Elite Boys, The Spicks and specks
Elliman, Yvonne If I can’t have you / Love me
Ellis, Alton Massachusetts
Ellis, Pee Wee How can you mend a broken heart
‘Else Melody fair
Elvis Schoenberg Orchestra Surreal, The Jive talkin
Emefors, Sofia If I can’t have you
En Vogue How deep is your love
Enoch Light Night fever / Stayin’ alive / How deep is your love
Equipe 84 Pomeriggio ore (=Marley purt drive)
Escapes Orchestra Night fever / To love somebody / How deep is your love / Massachusetts / Too much heaven / Nights on Broadway / Words / You should be dancing / New ork mining disaster / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Tragedy / Stayin alive / Secret Love / You win again
Essex, David New York mining disaster 1941
Etoiles, Les Saved by the bell
Euphoria Words
Everett, Chad Nights on Broadway
Eve’s Plum If I can’t have you
Ex-it Night fever
Fabulous Superlatives Stayin alive
Faith No More I started a joke
Faith, Adam Cowman milk your cow
Faith, Percy Melody fair
Fame, Georgie Words
Family Dogg, The Storm
Fantastic Sound Orchestra Night fever / Stayin alive / How deep is your love
Fargo, Donna Words / Don’t forget to remember
Fastbacks, The Turn of the century / Please read me
Favolosi Come le rondini (=Butterfly)
Faxed Head Farmer Ferdinand Hudson
Feist, Leslie Inside Out (=Love you inside out)/ Islands in the stream (with Constantines)
Feliciano, Jose And the sun will shine / First of May / Marley Purt Drive / I’ve gotta get a message…
Feller, Linda Islands in the stream
Felts, Narvel To love somebody
Fender, Freddy I’ve gotta get a message to you
Fernandez, Florentino y El Informal El pelo patras (=Stayin alive)
Ferrante and Teicher How deep is your love
Ferro, Rafael My world
Fettes Brot Nordisch by nature (samples Night fever)
Fever Stayin’ alive
Fiedler, Arthur Night fever / Stayin’ alive
Field, Claudia To love somebody
Fifth Dimension, The How deep is your love
Fiji Come on over
Filippo ¿Existe ese amor? (=How deep is your love)
First Escape If I can’t have you
Five Rock the party (samples Grease)
Flack, Roberta To love somebody
Flaming Lips, The Every Christian lion hearted man will show you
Flanagans, The Follow the wind
Flavor How deep is your love
Fletcher, Lynne You do your loving with me
Flinders, Matt Words
Flippers Stern von San Fernando (=Massachusetts) / Moonlight lady (= In the morning)
Flipside Juliet
Flower Run to me
Flying Burrito Brothers To love somebody
Forbe. Sean Forladt (=Alone) / Heartbreaker / How can you mend a broken heart / How deep is your love / I started a joke / Immortality / Massachusetts / (Our love) Don’t throw it all away) / Reaching out / Secret love / To love somebody / Words / Juliet
Ford, Emile To love somebody
Ford, Tennessee Ernie Words
Foresi, Memmo To love somebody
Fox, James More than a woman
Francois, Claude La plus belle chose du monde (=Massachusetts)
Franklin, Gerard Barker of the UFO / New York mining… / Red chair fade away / Sinking ships /S ir Geoffrey saved…
Franklin, Theo Grease / Night fever
Fredericks, Bill Charade / Baby as you turn away / Run to me / Love so right / I started a joke / The way it was / Lovers / Love me / Fanny / To love somebody / Words / How can you mend a broken heart
French, Marcos How deep is your love
Freshmen, The One bad thing
Frickie, Janie Love me
Fried, Paul Woman in love
Froger, Rene If I can’t have you
FSU Marching Chiefs Night fever / Stayin’ alive
Fujita, Emi First of May
Fun for club Chain reaction
Fun People Melody fair
Funky Claps Heartbreaker
Funky Diamonds Night fever
Funny Girl Woman in love
Furber, Mike Second hand people / Where are you
Fury, Billy One minute woman
G4 feat Robin Gibb First of May
Galan, Frank Ven a mi (=Run to me)
Gallon Drunk To love somebody
Galway, James I started a joke
Garcia, Adam Stayin’ alive / Jive talkin’ / You should be dancing / How deep is your love (with Anita Louise Coombe) / Immortality / Night fever
Garfield’s Birthday New York mining disaster 1941
Garrik, David Words / World / Maypole Mews / Spicks and specks
Gary Tesca Orchestra, The How deep is your love / Words / Stayin’ alive / To love somebody / Too much heaven / You win again / Don’t forget to remember / Jive talkin’ / Grease / Guilty / Massachusetts / Run to me / How can you mend a broken heart / Chain reaction / Heartbreaker / Woman in love
Gatlin Brothers, The Smile
Gattlin, Larry Indian summer (with Roy Orbison) / Didn’t we call it (Falling in love)
Gatti Rossi, I Se ne va (=Really and sincerely) / Non finisce piu (=World) / Fai un po’ quello che vuoi (=Words)
Gazcon, Mene The Lord
Gebrüder Blattschuss Stille Zeit ( =To love somebody)
Gemeaux, Alexander Woman in love
George Kawaguchi Big Band, The How deep is your love
Getzell, Brendan To love somebody
Geyer, Renee Woman in love
Gibb, Albert Love so right / This is where I came in
Gibb, Andy In the morning / How deep is your love / (Our love) Don’t throw it all away / To love somebody / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Love so right / How can you mend a broken heart / Words / Warm ride
Gibb, Lesley (see Ian McLeod)
Gibb, Spencer & 54 Seconds Run to me
Gibbies, The Stayin’ alive / How deep is your love / Night fever / More than a woman / If I can’t have you / Jive talkin’ / You should be dancing
Giganti Per te ci moriro (=Words)
Gilberto, A. Holiday
Gino Marinello Orchestra, The How deep is your love
Giordanno, Filippa Me he enamorado de ti (=Woman in Love)
Giovanna Il muro cadra (=The walls fell down)
Giovanni First of May / I started a joke / Words
Gipp’s Egylet Nincs kegyelem (=You win again) / Mindenem a tied (=Too much heaven) / Csak te lennel itt (=Wish you were here) / Szombat esti laz (=Night fever) / Unnep (=Holiday) / Mr Jones (=New York mining disaster 1941) / Hol jarsz (=I’ve gotta get a message to you) / Massachusetts / Milyen mely (=How deep is your love) / Vilag (=World) / Valaki var (=Stayin’alive) / Svavak (=Words) / Szeretni valakit (=To love somebody) / A Szerelem (=Paying the price of love) / Julia (=Juliet) / Titkos Sziv (=Secret love) / Egni Kell A Szerelmedenk (=Tragedy) / Trefa Volt (=I started a joke) / Miert Nem Enyem (=Living together) / Felelemben Elsz (=Ordinary lives) / Orokke Szeretlek (=Love you inside out) / Valaki Szeret (=It’s my neighborhood) / Tul Szep (=Will you ever let me) / Ha Szol a Harang (=Saved by the bell) / O Az Elso Nekem (=First of May) / Hurrikan (=Spirits having flown) / Szerelmet Adtal Nekem (=Shadow dancing) / Tuz Es Viz (=Spicks and specks) / Varj (=Stop think again)
Girls Aloud Grease
Giuseppe, Jacopo e Sara How deep is your love
Glendale Symphony Orchestra Night fever / How deep is your love / Shadow dancing / Emotion / Stayin’ alive / Songbird / Nights on Broadway / More than a woman
Glory Box, The New York mining disaster / Massachusetts / Lonely days / Jive talkin’
GML Holiday
Goldie I can’t see nobody / To love somebody / Spicks and specks / Massachusetts / I can’t see nobody / The singer sang his song / Words / New York mining disaster / World
Good, Carolynne Guilty
Good Shape Spicks and specks
Goodman, Dickie Jive talkin’
Goon Moon Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
Gordon, Trevor House without windows / And I’ll be happy / Little Miss Rhythm and Blues / Here I am
Gore, Lesley To love somebody
Gostisa, Bor Massachusetts
Goulet, Robert Sweetheart
Gov’t Mule To love somebody
Goya, Francis I started a joke / Woman in love
Graaf Heartbreaker
Gracin, Joshua Jive talkin / To love somebody
Graff, Claudia de Als ik jou niet krijg (=If I can’t have you)
Graffiti Valaki vár (Stayin’ Alive) / Szavak (Words) / Világ (World) / Szombat esti láz (Night Fever) / Mindenem a tiéd (Too Much Heaven) / Égni kell (Tragedy) / Milyen mély (How Deep Is Your Love) / Nincs kegyelem (You Win Again) / Ünnep (Holiday)
Granelli, J. Anthony If I can’t have you
Grange, Christian de la Only one woman
Grant, Lee Spicks and specks
Grant, Lorna Islands in the stream
Gray, Owen Islands in the stream
Great Lakes Morning of my life
Green, Al How can you mend a broken heart
Gregorian World
Greiff, Simon First and last / Tragedy
Grethe, Anne Islands in the stream
Greyhound Band An everlasting love / Love you inside out
Griffin, Alistair To love somebody / My lover’s prayer (with Robin Gibb)
Griffiths, Louise Too much heaven
Groove Kings Jive talkin / You should be dancing / How deep is your love / How can you mend a broken heart / Night fever / Lonely days / Love so right / I started a joke / Nights on Broadway
Grupo Venus Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke)
Guardiola, Jose Massachusetts
Guido, Guillermo Que profundo es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Gurr, Babe I’ve gotta get a message to you
Gutch Yuzo & Gutch’s Stayin alive
Gyula, Csepregi Woman in love
Haas, Andreas Juliet
Haasum, B. I started a joke
Hadley, Tony First of May / To love somebody
Haenning, Gitte Die Frau, die Dich liebt (=Woman in love)
Haines, Marcia, Brian Codd, Max Merrit and Doris Parkinson To love somebody
Hajji Alejandro Tag Araw Tag Ulan (=Charade)
Hall, Nick Tragedy
Halmakenreuther How deep is your love
Hamer, Sarah Islands in the stream
Hamsptead, Heath I started a joke
Hampton, Lionel More than a woman / How deep is your love / You should be dancing / Stayin alive / Jive talkin / Night fever
Hanley, Louie Easley Marley purt drive
Happening Pops, The Close another door
Happy Mondays Stayin alive
Happy Project You should be dancing
Harada, Tomoyo How deep is your love
Harding, John Wesley Don’t wanna live inside myself
Hardy, Hagood Words
Harmony Cats Night Fever / Stayin’ Alive / You Should Be Dancing / Nights on Broadway / Jive Talkin’ / Lonely Days / If I Can’t Have You
Harmony Studio Project To love somebody / Massachusetts / Words / Paying the price of love / How deep is your love / More than a woman / Night fever / You should be dancing / Stayin’ alive / Too much heaven / Tragedy / Run to me
Harrell, Bev Back to the people / I am the world
Harry, Corina Femme Amoureusse (=Woman in love)
Hasselhoff, David How deep is your love
Havens, Richie I started a joke
Hayley If I can’t have you
Hazeltine, David How deep is your love
Head, Roy Clyde O’Riley
Hearsay Stayin alive
Heartclub + 3 boys Alone
Hearts of Soul Sweetheart
Hega’s Mecanique In my own time
Henderson, Florence Words
Hermanos Carrion, Los Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke)
Hermanos Cota, Los Que tan grande es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Hesterlee, Brian Omega man
Hewitt, JenniferLove (Our love) Don’t throw it all way
Hi, Sam Holiday
Hidalgo, Ginamaria Comence una broma (=I started a joke)
Hi-Fi, The I started a joke
Hi-Spirit Too much heaven
Higher Ground Jive talkin’
Hightower, Rosetta The walls fell down
Hill, Dan Massachusetts
Hill, Jordan Too much heaven
Hill, Mike Saved by the bell
Hill, Nils van Please read me
Hilton, Paris I want you (samples Grease)
Hiltonaires, The If I can’t have you / Night fever / How deep is your love / Stayin alive
Hindle, James William I started a joke
Hines, Marcia How deep is your love
Hip Lovers How deep is your love
Hirota, Mieko Massachusetts
Hit Crew Stayin alive / Night fever / Grease
Ho, Daniel New York mining disaster
Hodson, Steve Chrystal Bay
Hoenjet, Josephine Heart (Stop beating in time)
Hoffman, Kristian Down to earth / Lemons never forget / Jumbo
Hognus Eu jatte hydarge (=An everlasting love) / Vod a jar for dag (=How deep is your love)
Holiday, Jennifer Run to me / Love me
Holmes, Monty Alone
Holt, John Morning of my life / Massachusetts / Love so right
Honeybeats Fai un po quello che voi (=Words)
Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra Night fever / I started a joke / Too much heaven / New York minig disaster / How deep is your love / Words / Run to me / I’ve gotta get a message to you
Hopkin, Mary Yn Y Bore (=Morning of my life)
Hore, John Tribute to an unknown love
Hormonauts Stayin alive
Horn, Guildo Ich mag Steffi Graf (=How deep is your love)
House for Kids Stayin alive
Houston, Cissy To love somebody
Houston, Thelma Love so right
Hoya, Oscar de la Ven a mi (=Run to me)
Hrsta Holiday
HSP Paying the price of love / You should be dancing / More than a woman / Massachusetts / Too much heaven / To love somebody / Stayin’ alive / Words / How deep is your love / Night fever / Tragedy / Run to me
Hughes, Andrew Môn Day time girl
Hugo Ball’s Orchestra Don’t forget to remember / First of May / How deep is your love / Massachusetts / More than a woman / Ordinary lives / Saved by the bell / To love somebody / Too much heaven / Tragedy / Words / You win again
Hui Ohana Come on over
Hullaboos How deep is your love
Hultberg, Jesse If I can’t have you
Human Nature Stayin’ alive / Love is blind / Guilty
Humperdinck, Engelbert (aka Gerry Dorsey) IOIO / Sweetheart / Words
Humphries Singers, Les Jive talkin’ / To love somebody
Hunt, Sandi Turning tide
Hutcheson, James To love somebody
Ibarra, Benny Vaselina (=Grease)
Ida How deep is your love
Idle Wilds, The Kitty Can / Kilburn towers
Ifield, Frank First of May / Morning of my life
Iglesias, Julio How can you mend a broken heart
Iglesias, Julio Jr Juliet
Imaginary Sound Project To love somebody
Index, The I can’t see nobody / New York mining disaster
Indian Bingo My world
Indios Tabajaras, Los Woman in love
Insect Surfers Massachusetts
Iracundos, Los Recuerdo tu amor (=I’ve gotta get a message to you) / Que profundo es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Isa I just want to be your everything
Isenho Islands in the stream
Ishida, Ayumi Melody fair
Itoh Kiyoko with Happenings Four Words
Itoh, Yukari Massachusetts
Izumi, Hirotaka Melody fair
Jackie & Roy Holiday
Jade If I can’t have you
Jai You should be dancing / Jive talkin
Jairo Woman in love
Jam Tronik Jive talkin’
Jamaica I started a joke
Jamelia Guilty / If I can’t have you
James, Etta Sound of love
James, Kirk Saved by the bell
James, Mirinda To love somebody
Jamp I started a joke
Jane e Herondy Como e bom te amar (=Islands in the stream)
Jankowski, Zygmunt Don’t forget to remember
Jansen, Arne Du Lebst Für Mich (=Saved by the bell)
Janzen, Chantal Wat kan ik doen (=What kind of fool)
Japanese Electric Foundation Red chair fade away
Jazmine Woman in love
Jenkins, Billy How deep is your love
Jennings, Waylon Sweetheart
Jensen, Roger Bury me down by a river
Jet Stream First of May
J-Flex Stayin’ alive
Jigsaw Seen, The Melody fair
Jinusean How deep is your love
Jive Bunny and The Mastermixers Jive talkin / Stayin alive
Jivers, The More than a woman / Too much heaven / How deep is your love / Night fever / Stayin’ alive / Tragedy / You should be dancing / Jive talkin’ / Secret love / IOIO / Islands in the stream / Alone / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Words / I started a joke
Jochen Brauer and The Organizers How deep is your love
John & Jerry Massachusetts
John & Michelle Ser la mia donna (=Only one woman)
John Hamilton Band, The Spicks and specks / In my own time / IOIO / Please read me / To love somebody / Tomorrow tomorrow / First of May / Turn of the century / Harry Braff / The singer sang his song / Idea / World / Suddenly / Massachusetts / Every Christian lion… / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Jumbo / New York mining disaster / Words / Swan song / Lamplight / Never say never again / Cucumber castle / Horizontal / Kitty can / Don’t forget to remember / I can’t see nobody / I close my eyes
John, Elton Up the revolution / Saved by the bell
Johnny Hawker Orchestra, The Wine and women / Spicks and specks / Coalman / Exit stage right
Johnson, David Michael How deep is your love
Johnson, Jeff How deep is your love
Joling, Gerard To love somebody
Jones, Paul And the sun will shine (with Paul McCartney on drums)
Jones, Randy If I Can’t have you
Jones, Tom Let there be love / To love somebody / Guilty (with Gladys Knight) / Nights on Broadway (with Paul Anka) / Baby as you turn away / Words
Jong, Joost de & The Faces Jive talkin’ / You should be dancing / Hoe ver wij jij gaan (=How deep is your love) / Immortality
Joplin, Janis IOIO / Massachusetts / To love somebody
Jordan, Roberto Palabras (=Words)
Jordanaires, The Words
Jorgens, C. Swan song
Jørgensen, Flemming (See Bamse)
Jose y Durval (Chitaozinho e Xororo) Palabras (=Words)
Joye, Cole Underneath the starlight of love / Rest your love on me / Love is blind
Joyz If I can’t have you
Judge Wayne and The Convicts Little Miss Rhythm and Blues
Judybats, The Jive talkin’
Juliana, Del Never like this
Jungle Brothers Tribe vibes (samples You Should Be Dancing)
Kahashi, Katsumi Holiday
Kai How deep is your love
Kaiser, Roland The only love
Katsaros, George Woman in love
Kaufman, Anna Maria Immortality
Keating, Ronan Words
Kelley, Paula In the morning
Kelly, Dave To love somebody
Kelly, Pat I started a joke
Kenndey, John To love somebody
Kennedy, Laine Woman in love / Guilty / Stranger in a strange land
KGM More than a woman
Kicks Tragedy
Kid Icarus Holiday
Kids, The Big chance / How many birds
Kimber, William E. Kilburn Towers
Kimm Wind of change / Songbird
Kimmel, Bruce Nights on Broadway
King, Ricky Massachusetts
Kingbees, The I’ve gotta get a message to you
Kingstars The woman in you / I love you too much / Breakout / Someone belonging to someone / Life goes on / Living eyes
Kirka Only one woman
Kirkland, Jill Swan song / First of May
Kirwan, Dominic Islands in the stream
Kitchell, Sonya Words
Klass, John Stayin’ alive
KLB Te amar ainda mais (=I could not love you more) / How deep is your love / Immortality / Still waters
Klen, Herman Marley Purt Drive
Knight, Gladys Guilty (with Tom Jones) / The way it was
Knights, Stacey How deep is your love
Kondo, Yoshihiro First of May
Koppel, Marie If I can’t have you
Kotch Too much heaven
Kotschy, Johannes You should be dancing
Kovács Kati Woman in love
Krall, Diana How can you mend a broken heart
Kramer, Billy J and The Dakotas Town of Tuxley toymaker Pt 1
Kramer, Sue Nachts in Manhattan (=Grease)
Kroon, Maurice How deep is your love
Kruger, Mike Saved by the bell
Kukulska, Natalia Heartbreaker / Woman in love
Kunked, Leah I’ve gotta get a message to you
Kuwanan with Three Bicrees More than a woman
Kwan Woo Too much heaven
L.A. Connection Lonely days / How can you mend a broken heart / Run to me / You should be dancing / How deep is your love / Nights on Broadway / Jive talkin’ / Fanny / Boogie child
Labelle, Patti You should be dancing
Ladybug Transistor, The Massachusetts
Lage, Eduardo How deep is your love
Lam Nhat Tien Words
Lambert, Franz Massachusetts / In the morning / Woman in love
LaMontagne, Ray and Damien Rice To love somebody
Lamoreux, Yves Stayin’ alive / Railroad
Last, James Don’t forget to remember / I started a joke / One million years / Saved by the bell / How deep is your love / Too much heaven / The love insidide (with Bert Kaemphert) / Night fever / Stayin alive / Run to me / Wolrd / Massachusetts / Chain reaction / You win again / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Woman in love
Laufer, Simon Tragedy
Lavi, Daliah Ein wort von dir (=Words)
Lawrence, Gary & His Sizzling Syncopators Stayin alive
Lawrie, Billy Freedom / Back to the people
Laws, Hubert I’ve gotta get a message to you
Lazy Grace How deep is your love
Leace, Donal Words
Leandros, Vicki Massachusetts / In the morning / New York mining disaster / And the sun will shine / Town of Tuxley toy maker
Lebanculah Massachusetts
Lee, Brenda Give a hand take a hand / Run to me / Words
Lee, Coco Shadow dancing
Lee, Lonnie I’d like to leave if I may
Lee, Scooter Stayin’ alive / If I can’t have you
Leeuw, Paul de Run to me
Legendary Dukes, The Happy ever after
Leland, Martin Don’t forget to remember
Leon, Norma When the swallows fly
Leonard, Scott First of May / You should be dancing / Jive talkin’ / How deep is your love / Massachusetts / Stayin’ alive / Night fever / Too much heaven / Melody fair / More than a woman
Leticia Woman in love
Lets talk about girls If only I had my mind on something else
Lettermen How can you mend a broken heart
Letton, Brian Don’t forget to remember
Levellers, The New York mining disaster 1941
Lewis, Carlysle and The Aristocats To love somebody
Lewis, Chrystal How deep is your love
LFO If I can’t have you
Lightning Seeds To love somebody
Lil Bow Bow That’s my name (With a sample of Shadow dancing)
Lindeen, Laurie Run to me
Lindfords, Lill Words
Lindsay, Reg Scared of losing you
Little Joe Ritchie (=Joe Pesci) To love somebody / And the sun will shine / Holiday
Little Milton To love somebody
Little, Jimmy Walkin’ talkin’ teardrops / One road
Liu, Michael Angela / Country woman
Liz, Kong Heartbreaker
Lloyd, Ian Holiday
Locke, Kimberley I just want to be your everything / Emotion
Lodge, J.C. To love somebody
Lofgren, Anna-Lena Det Var En Gång (=First of May) / Saved by the bell
Lomax, Jackie One minute woman
London Philharmonic Sound Orchestra How deep is your love / Jive talkin’ / Lonely days / New York mining disaster / Fanny / Massachusetts / Nights on Broadway / Stayin’ alive / To love somebody / World / I’ve gotta get a message to you / You should be dancing / Tragedy / You win again / World / Don’t forget to remember
London Pop Orchestra, The How deep is your love / Massachusetts / More than a woman / Too much heaven / Guilty / Heartbreaker / I started a joke / Immortality / Secret love / Woman in love / Tragedy / Night fever / To love somebody / For whom the bell tolls / Words / I’ve gotta get a message to you
London Session Singers Nights on Broadway
London Starlight Orchestra How deep is your love
London Twilight Orchestra Night fever / Tragedy / World / Secret love / I.O.I.O. / Spicks and specks / Lonely days / Nights on Broadway / You should be dancing / I can’t see nobody / I started a joke / First of May / I’ve gotta get a message to you / The only love / How deep is your love / Words / Stayin’ alive / To love somebody / Too much heaven / You win again / Don’t forget to remember / Jive talkin’ / Grease / Guilty / Massachusetts / Run to me / How can you mend a broken heart / Chain reaction / Heartbreaker / Woman in love
London West End Singers Massachusetts / New York mining disaster 1941 / To love somebody / I’ve gotta get a message to you / I started a joke / My world / Run to me / Edge of the universe / Too much heaven / Tragedy / You win again
London, Latoya Love you inside out
Long, Lionel Follow the wind
Longet, Claudine Holiday
Lonnie Lee and the Leemen Bad girl
Lonsdale, Steve Give a hand take a hand
Lope de Toledo Road to Alaska
Lord Sitar Like nobody else
Loring, Gloria Don’t forget to remember
Loss, Joe How deep is your love
Louise If I can’t have you
Love Affair How deep is your love
Love Dimension You stepped into my life
Love Generation Morning of my life
Love Unlimited Orchestra Night fever
Lovette, Eddie To love somebody / All the love in the world / Promises
Low I started a joke
Lowen & Navarro To love somebody
Luca, Simion How deep is your love
Lucien, Jon To love somebody
Lucksmiths, The I started a joke
Luiz Carlos So vivo de amor (How deep is your love)
Lulu Don’t forget to remember / I started a joke / Marley Purt Drive / Melody fair / Morning of my life / Let me wake up in your arms / To love somebody / Everybody clap / First of May / Words / Bury me down by the river / Back home
Lundstedt, Andreas Night fever
Lynch, Siobhan Stayin alive
Lynn, Vera Morning of my life
Lyrico Immortality / Guilty

L à Z



M2M: Our song (version of Too much heaven)
MA3: Holiday / New York mining disaster / Massachusetts / Words / World / I’ve gotta get a message to you / You should be dancing / Stayin’ alive / Lonely days / Jive talkin’ / To love somebody
Mack 10: Hate in your eyes (Samples Stayin alive)
Madrinas, The: Grease
Maffay, Peter: Du bist wie ein lied (=When do I) / Ich bin dein freund (=If I were the sky) / Mando Bay [versions in English and in German]
Magic Marc: You should be dancing
Majic Ship: To love somebody
Majority, The: All our Christmasses
Mal: Pensiero d’amore (=I’ve gotta get a message to you) / Cosi ti amo (=To love somebody) / Un giorno come un altro (=First of May)
Malo, Raul Run to me
Mancini, Henry: How deep is your love
Mandrell, Barbara: Words
Manilow, Barry: Run to me / How can you mend a broken heart
Manlove, Dudley: More than a woman
Mantovani Orchestra, The: How deep is your love / Heartbreaker
Manu: How deep is your love
Marbles, The: Little boy/ First of May / I can’t see nobody / To love somebody / Only one woman / By the light of a burning candle / The walls fell down / Love you
March, Mirna: Touch and understand love
Marchetti, Anna: Amore di donna (=The love of a woman) / Quando i ragazzi si baciano (=Treacle Brown)
Marcus, Jurgen: Warum kann ich deine liebe (=Massachusetts)
Maribeth: I started a joke
Marienthal, Eric: Emotion
Marlene: Woman in love
Marley, Rita: To love somebody
Marlin, Milton: How can you mend a broken heart
Marmalade: Butterfly
Maroulis, Constantine: Nights on Broadway
Marquez, Juan: Holiday
Marsden, Gerry: Please read me / Gilbert Green
Marsh, Kim: If I can’t have you
Martes y Trece: More than a woman
Martin, Dean: Sweetheart
Martin, Franky and the Dream Orchestra: Grease
Martin, Monika: Don’t forget to remember / Wer traumt mit dir (=Saved by the bell)
Martino, Al: Words
Marty and Elaine: Stayin alive
Marusha: World
Marvin: How deep is your love
Master P: More than a woman
Masterboy: Nights on Broadway
Material Issue: Run to me
Mathieu, Mireille: Une femme amoureuse (=Woman in love) / Promets moi (=Promises)
Mathis, Johnny: Run to me / Morning of my life / How can you mend… / How deep is your love / Emotion
Matsumiya, Mikihiko: How deep is your love
Mauriat, Paul: Lonely days / Melody fair / Too much heaven
Mauriat, Paul: Too much heaven / How deep is your love / Woman in love / Melody fair
Max Gregor Orchestra, The: Square cup
Maxwell, Peter: Memories (version of First of May)
MC Arena: Stayin alive
MC Mario: Grease
McCallum, Alison: To love somebody
McCaslin, Mary: With the sun in my eyes
McCaughey, Scott: You’ll never see my face again
McCauley Boys: I just want to be your everything
McClarnon, Liz: Woman in love
McCoy, Van: I started a joke
McCutheon, Martine: Love me / Islands in the stream (with Michael Ball)
McDonald, Kathi: To love somebody
McEntire, Reba: Islands in the stream
McFly: Stayin alive
McGee Brothers: Stayin’ alive
McGoldrick, Anna: Don’t forget to remember
McGregor, Freddie: Massachusetts
McGuire, Mo; First of May
McKeever, Barry: How deep is your love
McKeever, Larry: Alone / Boogie child / Guilty / Holiday / How can you mend a broken heart / How deep is your love / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Jive talkin’ / Massachusetts / New York mining disaster/ Nights on Broadway / Run to me / Stayin’ alive / To love somebody / What kind of fool / Woman in love / You should be dancing
McLachlan, Graig: Grease
McLean, Nana: I started a joke
McLeod, Ian: Give your best (with Lesley Gibb)
McLeod, Jim: Words
Medeiros, Glenn: You should be dancing
Medley, Phil: To love somebody
Meewis, Guus: How deep is your love
Melanie: To love somebody
Melanie C: Stayin alive
Melbourne Pop Orchestra: Words
Melodians, The: First of May / Stayin’ alive / Melody fair / Holiday / Massachusetts / Night fever / Too much heaven / New York mining disaster / How deep is your love / How can you mend a broken heart / To love somebody
Menato, Stefano: Too much heaven
Merritt, Alisha: I could not love you more
Mersey’s, Les: Viens lus pres de moi (=Close another door)
Meyer, Anita: Run to me
Meyer, Jamie: Too much heaven
Miath, Eddy: How deep is your love
Michael, George (Boogie Box High): Jive talkin
Michelle: If I can’t have you
Michiru, Monday: How deep is your love
Midnight Lovers, The: Stayin alive / Night fecver / How deep is your love / I started a joke / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Massachusetts / Run to me / To love somebody / Too much heaven / Don’t forget to remember
Midnight Mario: You should be dancing
Mike Furber and the Bowery Boys: Where are you / Secondhand people
Mikes, The: Massachusetts
Milem, Percy: To love somebody
Miller, Todd: To love somebody
Mina: Stayin’ alive / How deep is your love / Grease
Minami, Saori: Melody fair
Mirettes, The: To love somebody
Mittoo, Jackie: Massachusetts
Mizoguchi, Hajime: Melody fair
Mocedades: Como un hombre (=Come on over)
Modulo Uno: Io ti dico vau (=I can’t see nobody)
Moe Z and The Invisible Band: How deep is your love
Monaco: You should be dancing
Monofans: Juliet
Monopoly, The: House of Lords
Monro, Matt: First of May
Montanas, The: Top hat
Mood Unlimited Orchestra, The: To love somebody
Moods, The: Love you inside out / Tragedy / How deep is your love / Night fever / Stayin alive / Don’t forget to remember / You should be dancin / Jive talkin / Run to me / IOIO / I’ve gotta get a message to you / My world / Love so right / Massachusetts / Israel / Emotion
Moon Raven: If I can’t have you
Moonlight Players, The: How deep is your love / Woman in love
Moonlight String Orchestra, The: How deep is your love / Night fever / Words / Massachusetts / Jive talkin’ / Tragedy / You win again / More than a woman / Stayin’ alive / To love somebody / You should be dancin’ / Woman in love / Guilty
Moore, Davey Ray: How deep is your love
Moore, Ian: How can you mend a broken heart
Moore, Mandy: If I can’t have you
Moore, Melba: You stepped into my life
Moore, R Stevie: Stayin’ alive
Mops: To love somebody
Morandi, Gianni: Vita in blanco e nero (=Alive)
Moreno, Mariano: Holiday
Morgan, Jane: I started a joke
Morgan, Kris: Woman in love
Morgan, Stephen: Black diamond / Silly little girl (with Sandi Hunt) / Danny (With Sandi Hunt)
Morning Star: It’s just the way
Morocco, Vincent: Saw a new morning
Morris, Wanya: My lover’s prayer (with Robin Gibb and Lance Bass)
Mosca, La: Stayin alive
Moses: More than a woman
Motows: Mister Jones (=New York mining disaster)
Moulin Rouge: Holiday / Run to me / Lonely days / Massachusetts / My world / To love somebody
Movie Stars, The: I can’t see nobody
Moxy Fruvous: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Mr Sche: Stayin alive
Mules, The: To love somebody
Mullard, Arthur & Hylda Baker: Night fever / Stayin alive
Mulligan, Joy: Words
Mulligan, Kevin: To love somebody
Mullova, Viktoria: How deep is your love
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra: World / To love somebody / First of May / Run to me / Massachusetts / Too much heaven / My world / Words / How can you mend a broken heart / How deep is your love / Holiday / You win again
Mustangs, Los: Aio aio (=IOIO)
Muvemba, Clarisse: Stayin’ alive
Mya: Stayin alive (with Anastacia, mandy Moore and Ann Wilson)
Mystic Moods: Massachusetts / And the sun will shine
Mystics, The: Don’t you go, I need your love
Mystics: With the sun in my eyes



Naim y Veronica: Guilty
Nakasone, Kaoru: Melody fair
Nana: Too much heaven
Nankervis, Patrick: Coalman / Soldier Johnny
Nation, Tony: Stayin alive
Nazca: Woman in love
Neckar, Valau: Lamplight
Necro: Underground (samples New York Mining Disaster 1941)
Nelson, Serge: Words
Neon Nights: Night fever / Nights on Broadway / Jive talkin’ / Stayin’ alive / Love you inside out / How deep is your love / Tragedy / Too much heaven
Nero, Peter: Stayin’ alive / How deep is your love / How can you mend a broken heart
Nest, Fredi: First of May
Network: Save me, save me
New Horizon: One bad thing
New Seekers, The: Follow the wind
Newman, Mark: New York mining disaster
Newton, Wayne: They’ll never know / You stepped into my life
Newton-John, Olivia: Come on over / Carried away
Neyman, Benny: Gevangen in een vreend verlagen (=Chain reaction)
Nicholas, Paul: Holiday
Nico & I Gabbiani: Qualcosa restera (=Spicks and specks)
Nicolai, Stefan: Immortality
Nilsson, Sten: How can you mend a broken heart / Too much heaven / Massachusetts
Nina i Carles: Culpables (=Guilty)
Nite & Day: How deep is your love
No Hat Moon: Seasons
No Idea: To love somebody
Nobody’s Angel: Nobody (Samples Love You Inside Out)
Nocturnes, The: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Noguchi, Goro: Melody fair / My world
Nogueira, Emerson: Emotion / Stayin alive
Nokie: Words
Nold, Michael: Horizontal
Nomads, The: The singer sang his song
Nordisle Bois Orchestre: Night fever
Noris, Gunter: Woman in love
Northstar Orchestra, The: Woman in love
Nova, Heather: Stayin’ alive
N’Sync: Jive talkin’ / Too much heaven / How deep is your love / Stayin’ alive
N’Trance: Stayin alive
Nuovi Angeli, I: Gin e whisky dry (=Indian gin and whisky dry) /Forse cambiera (= When the swallows fly)
Nuovi Laser: Massachusetts
Nylons, The: Too much heaven




O Connor, Des: How deep is your love
O Town: How deep is your love
Obscure: Stayin alive
Obsession: Tragedy
Ochsenknecht, Uwe: Only one woman
O’Connor, Caroline: What kind of fool
October Cherries: Stayin’ alive
O’Donnell, Daniel: Don’t forget to remember
Ofarim, Esther and Abi: Morning of my life (=In the morning) / Garden of my home
Ogawa, Tomoko: Holiday
O’Hara Playboys: Spicks and specks
Ohara, Takashi: First of May / Stayin’ alive
Ojisama, Odoru: How deep is your love / Night fever / Stayin alive / More than a woman
Okazaki Hiroshi & His Stargazers: Massachusetts
O’Keefe, Johnny: To love somebody
Olafson, Lowry: Words
Oldham, Will (aka Bonnie Prince Billy): Holiday / Buried treasure
Oler, Newell: How can you mend a broken heart
Olivados: To love somebody
Oliver: Man for all seasons
Olsson, Nigel: Only one woman
Onbekend: To love somebody
One True Voice: Sacred trust
Orange Cake Mix: Holiday
Orbison, Roy: Words / Indian summer
Ordinary People: Ordinary lives
Orfeh: If I can’t have you
Orginal Ddeutschmacher, Die – Bleib am Leben (Staying alive)
Original London Cast: Grease
Orleya: To love somebody
Orquesta Mira Quien Baila: Stayin’ alive
Osborne, Bertin: Like a fool
Osbourne, Ozzy: Stayin’ alive
Oscar: Holiday
Osmond, Donny: Immortality / How deep is your love
Osmond, Marie: Run to me
Osmonds, The: Rest your love on me
Otto, Joachim: Nights on Broadway
Outatime: Juliet
Ox: Holiday




Paay, Patricia: The love of a woman
Padilla, Zsa Zsa: Don’t throw it all away
Page, Patti: Words
Paige, Elaine: Secrets / Carried away
Painted Faces, The: To love somebody / Birdie told me / I can’t see nobody One minute woman
Palmer, Junior: Love you inside out
Pandilla, La: IOIO
Pandora: Como tu sabes (=To love somebody) / Ilegal (=Night fever)
Panpipes: How deep is your love / More than a woman / Stayin alive / Tragedy / Night fever / Words / Heartbreaker / Islands in the stream / You win again / For whom the bell tolls / Jive talkin / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Massachusetts / To love somebody / You should be dancing / If I can’t have you / Holiday / Nights on Broadway / Too much heaven / Alone
Papetti, Fausto: How deep is your love / First of May / Tragedy / Too much heaven / Stayin alive / Grease / Massachusetts / Run to me / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Woman in love / Emotion
Parchis: Demasiado cielo (=Too much heaven)
Paris: You should be dancing
Parker, Rupert: How deep is your love
Parks, Alex: Words
Parokya ni Edgar: Boys do fall in love
Party People: Grease / Stayin alive
Party Service Band: To love somebody
Pary, Chantal: Reviens vite apres de moi (=Come on over) / Vivre (=Words)
Patricia: Je voulais en rire (=I started a joke)
Patterson, Brenda: Bury me down by the river
Paul, Bernie: Islands in the stream
Pavao, Dennis: Come on over
Peeping Toms, The: Spicks and specks
Pegasso: Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke)
Pendergrass, Teddy: How can you mend…
Penya, Tomeu: Illes dins un riu (=Islands in the stream)
Peppermint Circus, The: All the king’s horses
Perception: Guilty
Peres Blanca Band, The: How deep is your love
Perry, Lee: To love somebody
Petrie, Irene: Really and sincerely
Phelan, Gary: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Philippe Saisse Acoustique Trio, The: Stayin’ alive
Phillips, Michelle: Baby as you turn away
Pholhas: I started a joke / How can you mend a broken heart / Night fever / I just want to be your everything / You should be dancing / How deep is your love
Pillow, Denise: Immortality
Pink Turtle: How deep is your love
Pinkard and Bowden: Music industry (=Islands in the stream)
Pinkney, Dwight: Morning of my life
Pino, Manuel: Songbird / Walkin on air
Piojos, Los: Stayin alive
Pisa: Ja, de poen is goed (Yes, the money is alright = Islands in the stream)
Pitney, Gene: Only one woman
PK and The Sound Explosion: Jive talkin’ / Nights on Broadway / Love so right / You should be dancing / Alive / How can you mend a broken heart / Run to me / Lonely days / Fanny
Pleasers, The: I don’t like to be alone
Po!: First of May
Pooh: Cosi ti amo (=To love somebody)
Pop, Bill and The Tapes: New York mining disaster 1941
Popmonster : I started a joke
Porter, John Robert: I started a joke
Portrait: How deep is your love
Posies, The: Every Christian lion…
Post Junk Trio: New York mining disaster 1941
Powers, PJ: To love somebody
Pras, M.: Ghetto superstar (samples Islands in the stream) / Blue angels (samples Grease)
Pravo, Patty: Un giorno come un altro (=First of May)
Presley, Elvis: Words
Price, Katie and Peter Andre: Islands in the stream
Prima Vera: Night Fever
Priors, The: Massachusetts
Prisioneros, Los: Spirits having flown
Proby, P.J.: And the sun wil shine
Proctors: Morning of my life
Profeti (I): Mrs Jones (=New York mining disaster) / Per te ci moriro (=Words) / La febbre della notte (=Night fever) / Vivo sarai (=Stayin alive) / Cosi ti amo (=To love somebody) / Fiore di carta (=How deep is your love) / Unici al mondo (=World) / Corri da me (=Run to me) / Salvami tu (=Too much heaven) / Tu sei sempre l’unica per me (=Alone) / Io stavo con lei (=I started a joke) / Credici (=Tragedy) / Massachussetts / Talmente donna (=More than a woman)
Pucket, Gary & The Union Gap: To love somebody
Pudhys: Spicks and specks
Pussycat: To love somebody
Pu’uway: Too much heaven
PYG: To love somebody



Quh, Sahoul: You should be dancing


R Kelly and Jay-Z: Honey (with a sample of Love you inside out)
Raab, Stefan: Night fever
Rae, Michelle: Everybody’s talking / I wanna tell the world
Raes, The: To love somebody
Ragazzi della via Gluck: Vola vola vola (=I’ve gotta get a message to you)
Raize, Jason: You win again
Ram Jam: Lonely days
Ramblers, Los: Que lolita (=To love somebody)
Ramos, Miguel: Massachusetts
Randolph, Boots: To love somebody
Rangers, The: Massachuetts / Holiday
Rare Earth: Warm ride / Save me, save me
Raval, Estela: Que profundo es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Ray Hamilton Ballroom Orchestra, The: Stayin alive / Grease / Don’t forget to remember / Secret love / Chain reaction
Ray Hamilton Orchestra, The: Don’t forget to remember / Secret love / Stayin alive / Grease / Heartbreaker / Words / Woman in love
RDB: Islands in the stream / Stayin alive
Real McCoy, The: How deep is your love
Red Hot Chilli Peppers: How deep is your love
Reddy, Helen: To love somebody
Reed, Vivian: Shadow dancing
Reels, The: I started a joke
Regan, Kevin: I could not love you more
Regencia, Denver: How can you mend a broken heart
Reizner, Lou: The day your eyes meet mine / In the morning
Renato dei Profeti: Un giorno come un altro (=First of May)
Reveals, Jean: Don’t forget to remember
Revere, Paul & The Raiders: To love somebody
Rhoades, Beri: I’m not wearing make up
Ricca, Martin: Que prfundo es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Richard Hewson Orchestra, The: Melody fair / Morning of my life / First of May / Spicks and specks
Richard Romance and his Famous New California Dreamlight Orchestra: Woman in Love
Richard Wright Group, The: Neither rich nor poor
Richard, Cliff: Chain reaction / I cannot give you my love / How many sleeps
Richardson, Neil: How deep is your love
Rickshaw: Islands in the stream
Rico, Jorge: How deep is your love / To love somebody / Heartbreaker / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Words / (Our love) Don’t throw it all away / Run to me / New York mining disaster / Spicks and specks / Massachusetts / How can you mend a broken heart / I started a joke / Too much heaven / If I can’t have you / First of May / My world / More than a woman
Rider, Mitch: I can’t see nobody
Rivera, Faith: In the morning
Rivers, Tony: Turn of the century
Robbins, Kate: Run wild
Robert Stigwood Orchestra, The: Massachusetts / Birdie told me / Words / To love somebody / Sinking ships / New York mining disaster / I can’t see nobody / Holiday / World / Swan song
Roberts, Lee: Lost in your love
Roboshop Mania: Melody fair
Robyn: Juliet
Rocking Boys, The: Palabras (=Words)
Rockridge Synthesizer Orchestra, The: You should be dancing / To love somebody / Jive talkin’ / How deep is your love / Stayin’ alive / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Tragedy / More than a woman / Nights on Broadway / You win again / Massachusetts / Night fever / Words
Rodriguez, Gustavo: Que tan grande es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Rodriguez, Johnny: Rest your love on me / To love somebody
Roe, Tommy: Massachusetts
Rogers, Kenny: Tell me why / This woman / You and I / Buried treasure / Islands in the stream / Living with you / Evening star / Hold me / Midsummer nights / I will always love you / ‘Eyes that see in the dark
Rojas, Marisa: Sola (=Alone)
Roland, Michael: Stayin’ alive / Night fever / Massachusetts / Jive talkin / Tragedy / You should be dancing / How deep is your love / I can’t see nobody / To love somebody / New York mining disaster / Nighs on Broadway / How can you mend a broken heart
Rolinski, Martin: How deep is your love
Rome: Juliet
Ronal & Peter: Ay,ay ay Ajax (=IOIO)
Ronald, Tony: Dearest / Risas y luz (=Spicks and specks)
Rondalla de Saltillo, La: How deep is your love
Rose, Tim: I’ve gotta get a message to you / Let there be love / I started a joke
Rose-Marie: Don’t forget to remember
Rosenberg, Ivan: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Rosenberg, Marianne: Woman in love
Ross, Diana: ‘Eaten alive’, ‘Oh teacher’, ‘Experience’, ‘Chain reaction’, ‘More and more’, ‘I’m watching you’, ‘Love on the line’, ‘(I love) being in love with you’, ‘Crime of passion’ and ‘Don’t give up on each other’
Rossen, Stig: How can you mend a broken heart
Rotta, Rudy & Friends:To love somebody
Roumi, Majida el: Words
Round, Jonathan: To love somebody
Rouse, Michael: Immortality / You should be dancing / Stayin’ alive / Jive talkin’ / Night fever
Roussos, Demis: Down the road
Rowles, John: Massachusetts
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The: Woman in love
Royal, Billy Joe: To love somebody
RSDR: You should be dancing
Rua: How deep is your love
Ruberto, Gino: Nights on Broadway
Ruffin, Jimmy: Songbird / Hold on to my love / Where do I go / Forever forever / Two people / Night of love / Jealousy / Searchin / Changing me
Rufus: Jive talkin
Rusinski, Bernd: To love somebody
Ryan, Rebekah: Woman in love
Rydell High Singers: Grease
Ryder, John & Anne: Don’t forget to remember
Rypdal, Inger Lise: Love so right



Sagmesiter, Michael and Britta Medeiros: How deep is your love
Saint Pierre, Liliane and Paco Garcia: Run to me
Sakura: How deep is your love
Salomonsen, Sanne: Emotion / Too much heaven / Night fever
Salsoul Orchestra, The: You should Be dancing / Night fever / Stayin alive
Salvajes, Los: Un mensaje te quisiera mandar (=I’ve gotta get a message to you) / Massachusetts / Palabras (=Words)
San Basilio, Paloma: Inmortalidad (=Immortality)
Sanchez, Guillermo: Islands in the stream
Sandoval, Andrew: Nobody’s someone
Sandpippers: Sound of love / How can you mend a broken heart
Sands, The: Mrs Gillespie’s refrigerator
Sandy and Junior: Inmortal (=Immortality)
Sang, Samantha: Charade / Emotion / Don’t let it happen again / The love of a woman
Santa Cruz, Edinho: Lembranças (How can you mend a Broken Heart) / Tudo o que eu quero e você (Too Much Heaven) / Acredite em mim (How deep is your love) / Sou assim (Tragedy) / Triste Solidão (Don´t forget to remember) / Palavras (Words) / Minha Menina (You should be dancing) / O mundo so para nos (First of May) / Você e eu (You and I) / Night fever / More than a woman / Stayin alive
Santing, Mathilde: In the morning
Saragossa Band: Massachusetts
Sario, Teri de: Ain’t nothing gonna keep me from you / Save me save me
Sash: Too much heaven
Sass Sylvia: Szerelmes asszony (Woman in love – in Hungarian)
Satelliti: Loro sanno dove (=Holiday)
Savannah: To love somebody
Sawadi, Kenny: To love somebody
Sayer, Leo: Heart (stop beating in time)
Schadel: With the sun in my eyes
Scherling, Di: How can you mend a broken heart
Schneidern, Chris von: You know it’s for you
Schobel, Frank: Saved by the bell
Schubert, Susan: You win again
Scott Brothers: Paying the price of love / Too much heaven / How deep is your love / You should be dancing / To love somebody / Night fever / More than a woman / Stayin alive / Tragedy / Massachusetts / Words / Run to me
Scott, Dean: First of May / You know it’s for you
Scott, Tommy: Night fever
Scott, Victor: 15 kids (=Marley Purt Drive)
Se-Hwan, Kim: Saved by the bell / Don’t forget to remember / Words
Searchers, The: Spicks and specks
Seekers, The: Massachusetts, Country lanes
Senza Respiro and Mal: Pensiero d’amore (=I’ve gotta get a message to you)
Serval, Viviane: Une Femme Amoureuse (Woman in love – in French)
Servic, Tonie: Massachusetts
Servitørene i rondo: To love somebody
Setter, Bobby & Karin: Islands in the stream
Setty, Robin: Portrait of Louise / Hold her in your hand
Seven Hearts: How deep is your love
Seymour, Phil: The first mistake I made
Shades: How deep is your love
Shadows, The: You win again / Chain reaction
Shalimar: Too much heaven
Shannon, Jackie de: To love somebody
Shaw, Sandie: With the sun in my eyes / Words
Shaw, Warren: Hold on to my love
S.H.E.: IOIO / Woman in love
Sheldon, Jack: Holiday
Shelton, Anne: Talk to me
Shepard, Vonda: I started a joke
Shepherd, Bill: Gena’s theme
Sheriff, Dave: Don’t forget to remember
Shiina, Megumi: First of May
Shimada, Kaho: Holiday
Shirelles, The: How can you mend a broken heart
Shocking Blue: Melody fair
Shoestrings: Massachusetts
Sidgursson, John: To love somebody
Siel, Tina: Words
Siffre, Labi: Words
Sigley, Ernie: I started a joke
Silk, Garnett: A man in love (= Woman in love)
Silver Ginger 5: To love somebody
Silvestones: How deep is your love
Simon, Joe: I can’t see nobody
Simone, Nina: I can’t see nobody / Morning of my life / Please read me / Cosi ti amo (=To love somebody)
Sinatra, Frank: To love somebody
Skatta: Stayin’ alive
Skibby: I started a joke
Slade, Paul: Sound of love
Slaget 12: Massachusetts / IOIO / Don’t forget to remember
Sledge, Percy: I’ve gotta get a message to you / Your love will save the world / A lonely violin
Slim Smith: To love somebody
Slobberbone: To love somebody
Smith, Connie: I just want to be your everything
Smugglaz: The Word (It samples Grease)
Sneetches: Mrs. Gillespie refrigerator
Snoop Dogg: Ups and downs (with a sample of Love you inside out)
Soft Pillow: Gilbert Green
Sojiro: First of May / Melody fair
Somerville, Jimmy: To love somebody
Sons of Pitches: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Soultans: Jive talkin’
Sound of Modification: You
Sound Spirits: Don’t wanna live inside myself
Soundalikes, The: Emotion / Jive talkin / More than a woman / Stayin alive
Sounds, The: Top hat
Soundstar: Night fever / You should be dancing / Massachusetts / Don’t forget to remember / Nights on Broadway / Living eyes / Tragedy / Secret love / To love somebody / How deep is your love / Stayin alive / Too much heaven / I’ve gotta get a message to you / New York mining disaster / Words / You win again
Space: Massachusetts
SPC: Balada da noite (=Stayin’ alive)
Spectrum: Jive talkin’ / If I can’t have you
Spiby, Michael: To love somebody
Spiderbait: Jive talkin’
Spiders, The: Massachusetts
Spindle: The ernest of being George
Spontaneous Combustion: Stayin’ alive
Spoonbread: How can you mend a broken heart
Springfield Revival: Morning of my life (=In the morning)
Springfield, Dusty: Save me save me / To love somebody / Words / I’ve gotta get a message to you
Square Set, The: To love somebody
St Claire, Bonnie: Marley purt drive
St Pierce, Liliane: If I can’t have you
St. Martin: Woman in love (instrumental)
Staccatos: New York mining disaster 1941
Stafford, Jo: Stayin’ alive
Stan Laferriere Trio, The: How deep is your love
Standring, Chris: How deep is your love
Stanford Fleet Street Singers, The: How deep is your love
Stansfield, Lisa: Woman in love
Staple Singers, The: Give a hand, take a hand
Stardust: How deep is your love
Starlite Orchestra, The: How deep is your love / Words / Stayin’ alive / To love somebody / Too much heaven / Jive talkin’ / Grease / Guilty / Massachusetts / How can you mend a broken heart / Woman in love / Heartbreaker
Stars of Studio 99: I’ve gotta get a message to you / How deep is your love / Too much heaven / Islands in the stream / Jive talkin’ / Stayin’ alive / Tragedy / Alone / You should be dancing / Night fever / Nights on Broadway / Words / Woman in love / Guilty
Starsound Orchestra, The: Woman in love
Startrax: More than a woman, Night fever, Tragedy, Massachusetts, How deep is your love, Stayin alive, Nights on Broadway, Saved by the bell, Words, Jive talkin, If I can’t have you, New York mining disaster, You should be dancing, First of May/ Spirits having flown / Wind of change / You stepped into my life / Stayin’ alive / Reaching out / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Fanny (Be tender with my love) / Love so right / IOIO / Love you inside out / Edge of the universe / Boogie child / Too much heaven / (Our love) Don’t throw it all away / Search find / Can’t keep a good man down / Children of the world
Staton, Candi: Nights on Broadway
Status Quo: Spicks and specks
Stayin’ Alive: Night fever / I started a joke / Stayin alive / Run to me / Massachusetts / Heartbreaker / Lonely days / Islands in the stream / To love somebody / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Nights on Broadway / Shadow dancing / You should be dancing / Love so right / Spicks and specks / First of May / How deep is your love / Boogie child / If I can’t have you / More than a woman / Too much heaven / Love you inside out / Words / Chain reaction / Grease / Alone / Tragedy / Guilty / Jive talkin / World / You win again / One / Mr Natural / Still waters / New York mining disaster / Melody fair / This is where I came in / Wedding day
Stefan, Gloria: If I can’t have you
Stephens, Richie: How deep is your love
Steps: Tragedy / Chain reaction
Steve and The Board: Little Miss Rhythm and Blues
Stewart, Rod: To love somebody
Stewart, Simone: Heartbreaker
Stewart, Tinga: How can you mend a broken heart
Stone Foundation: To love somebody
Straker, Peter: Birdie told me
Strasser, Hugo: Night fever / Emotion / How deep is your love/ Words / Stayin alive
Streisand, Barbra: Guilty / ‘Woman in love / Run wild / Promises / The love inside / What kind of fool / Life story / Never give up / Make it like a memory / Above The Law / Stranger In A Strange Land / Hideaway / Golden Dawn / If Only (You Were Mine) / Night Of My Life / Come Tomorrow / It’s Up To You / Without Your Love (Along The Way) / All The Children / (Our Love) Don’t Throw It All Away / Letting Go
Strings of Paris: How dep is your love
Studdard, Ruben: Nights on Broadway / How can you mend a broken heart
Stunned Parrots: To love somebody
Stylistics, The: How can you mend a broken heart
Sugar Beats: Jive talkin’
Summers, Sandy: A girl needs to love / Messin’ around
Sunday’s Child: To love somebody
Sunset Gun: How can you mend a broken heart
Sunshine Family: Tragedy / Stayin’ Alive / Night Fever / You Should Be Dancing / Nights On Broadway / Massachusetts / To Love Somebody / World / Words / I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You / Saved By The Bell
Superblue: To love somebody
Supple: Stayin’ alive
Suzanne: Words
Suzuki, Kiyomi: Heartbreaker / Melody fair
Swamp Dogg: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Swann, Bettye: Words
Sweeney, Claire: Run to me (with Oliver Darley)
Sweet Inspirations: To love somebody
Sweet, Matthew and Susanna Hoffs: Run to me
Sweet Power: Jive talkin / Nights on Broadway / Stayin alive / Tragedy / Night fever
Sweet Talks: Shadow dancing
Sweetback: Love is the word (Grease)
Sweetbox: If I can’t have you
Swing West, The: Massachusetts
Symphony Nova: Woman in love / Guilty
Symphony Orchestra, The: You win again / Massachusetts / Words / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Secret love / For whom the bell tolls / Love so right / First of May / Too much heaven / Spirits having flown / Run to me / Paying the price of love / Saved by the bell / Don’t forget to remember / To love somebody / New York mining disaster / Alone / How deep is your love




Tahiro, Yuri: Melody fair
Tajiou, Mounia: Night fever
Take Six: How deep is your love
Take That: How deep is your love
Talina & Soumia: Une femme amoureuse (Woman in love – in French)
Talisman: Palabras (=Words)
Tall Boy: How deep is your love
Tam, Alan: Too much heaven
Tamara, Los: Massachusetts
Tams, The: To love somebody
Tandy, Sharon: World
Tangerine Peel: Never say never again / Every Christian lion hearted man…
Tavares: More than a woman
Taylor, Melvern: Islands in the stream
Taylor, Sissy: Woman in love
Tazz: Words
Team Jagwa: Crystal bay
Teddybears: Stayin alive
Teenmakers: The ernest of being George / In my own time / Never say never again
Temple City Kazoo Band: Stayin’ alive
Tempters, The: Holiday / Birdie told me
Tempus Lederhosen: Raining teardrops
Ten Feet: Islands in the stream
Ten Masked Men: Stayin alive
Ten Tenors, The: Stayin alive
Terry Herman Trio: Melody fair / First of May / How deep is your love / Massachusetts / Tragedy / I started a joke / Too much heaven / New York mining disaster 1941 / Night fever / Stayin’ alive / Words / Jive talkin’ / Holiday
They might be giants: Stayin’ alive
Thibadeaul, Sean & Cyril A. Leonard: Stayin alive
This way up: If I can’t have you
Thomas, Dante: Guilty (with Inessa)
Thomas, Rudy: How deep is your love
Thorleifs: First of May / How can you mend a broken heart / Words / Too much heaven / Tragedy
Three 4 You: How deep is your love
Three Bees, The: How deep is your love / (Our love) Don’t throw it all away / Fanny (be tender with my love) / Saying goodbye
Three O’Clock: In my own time
Three’n One: You should be dancing
Three Tenors of Soul, The: Too much heaven
Thuresson, Svante: En okänd (=Emotion), Grease, How deep is your love / I’ve gotta get a message to you / More than a woman / Saved by the bell / Shadow dancing / Sweetheart / Town of Tuxley Toymaker pt 1 / When the swallows fly / Words
Tigers, The: Don’t forget to remember / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Melody fair / Smile for me / Holiday / Words / I started a joke
Tihm: Quelle notte (=Everybody clap)
Timbro, Arnaldo: Words
Timmermann, Karl: Don’t forget to remember / Lamplight Lonely days / I’ve gotta get a message to you / To love somebody / New York mining disaster / World / I started a joke / Massachusetts / Saved by the bell / Morning of my life / Heartbreaker / What kind of fool / Only one woman / Islands in the stream / Guilty / Words / Night fever
Timoria: To love somebody
Tina and the B-Side Movement: To love somebody7
Tingling Mother’s Circus: New York mining disaster
Tippa Irie: Stayin’ alive
Tissot, Jacques: Woman in love
Tokyo Octet: Night fever / How deep is your love / Stayin’ alive / More than a woman / Jive talkin’ / I started a joke / Melody fair / How can you mend a broken heart / New York mining disaster / Lonely days / Massachusetts / Holiday
Toronto Musical Revue: Grease
Torr, Michèle: Le mal de Mai (=First of May)
Torres, Juan: Vaselina (=Grease) / Sobreviviendo (=Jive talkin’) / Que tan grande es tu amor (=How deep is your love) / Fiebre nocturna (=Night fever) / Mas que una mujer (=More than a woman)
Total: When boy meets girl (=Love you inside out)
Towers, Lee: Buried treasure
Tracy: Melody fair / Woman in love / Emotion
Trafficker: On time
Trance Angels: More than a woman
Travis: Stayin’ alive
Tremeloes: Lamplight
Trieb: More than a woman
Troy, Damon: Rest your love on me
Turkey Neck: Stayin alive
Turner, Tina:I will be there
Twig and The Berries: Jive talkin
Twilights, The: Long life / Morning of my life
Twin Folio: Massachusetts
Twins, The: South Dakota morning
Twins: Melody fair
Tyler, Bonnie: To love somebody



U 96: World
Uchiyamada Hiroshi & Cool-Five: Massachusetts
UK Mixmasters: Night fever/ Jive talkin / Stayin alive / You should be dancing
Ulf Johnnys: How deep is your love
Ultra Nate: How deep is your love
Unit 4+2: Butterfly
Unlimited Beat: Stayin’ alive / Too much heaven / Night fever / How deep is your love / Tragedy / Words / Massachusetts / More than a woman
UPA Dance: How deep is your love
Upsetters, The: To love somebody
Urinals, The: Jumbo
US5: Too much heaven (feat. Robin Gibb)


Vaclav, Neckar: Massachusetts
Vadham, Chris: How deep is your love
Vagabondi della Verita: Come muore un giorno (=The singer sang his song)
Vail, Greg: How deep is your love
Vale, Jerry: Run to me / Words
Valli, Frankie: Grease/ Save me, save me
Vandross, Luther: How deep is your love
Vanity Set, The: I started a joke
Vanoni, Ornella: Natale ciao (=First of May)
Vaughn, Sarah: Run to me
Vazquez, Alberto: Palabras (=Words)
Vee, Virginia: Let there be love
Velasques, Regine: I can’t help it
Velvet Fogg: New York mining disaster 1941
Veneno de Amor: Palabras (=Words)
Ventura, Anthony: Words / Massachusetts
Ventura, Gil: Stayin’ alive
Vera, Billy: To love somebody
Vibrance: Stayin alive / Massachusetts / Night fever / Nights on Broadway / How deep is your love / Tragedy / You should be dancing / I’ve gotta get a message to you / Run to me / Lonely days / My world / Spicks and specks / To love somebody / Words / Boogie child / Jive talkin
Vibrants: Terrible way to treat your baby
Vic Lewis Orchestra, The: No other heart
Vienna: Que profundo es tu amor (=How deep is your love)
Villalobos, Gina: If I can’t have you
Vinton, Bobby: How can you mend a broken heart
Vinyl Kings: New York mining disaster 1941
Vipers, The: Town of Tuxley
Vissi, Anna: Woman in love
Vivid: Massachusetts
Vondráèková, Helena – To je ¹tìstí (=Woman in love)
Voulzy, Laurent: Rockollection Part II (Massachusetts)


Waitress Dilemma: Stayin alive
Wakely, John: How can you mend a broken heart
Waldron, Cliff: I’ve gotta get a message to you
Walkers: Suddenly
Wallace, Eugene: To love somebody
Wallflowers, The: I started a joke
Walsh, Jerry: Tomorrow tomorrow
Wanten, Wendy van: Woman in love
Warnes, Jennifer: Close another door / Morning of my life
Warwick, Dionne: Run to me / Heartbreaker / It makes no difference / Yours / Take the short way home / Misunderstood / All the love in the world / I can’t see anything but you / Just one more night / You’re my love / How deep is your love / I just want to be your everything
Watanabe, Marina: Melody fair
Waterloo und Robinson: Viel zu heiss (=You win again)
Watson, Jenene: Don’s say no / So long boy
Wayne, Carl: Grease
Wende, Horste: Lamplight
Werner Muller und die WDR Big Band: Grease / How deep is your love
West Coast All Stars: How deep is your love
Westenra, Hayley: How deep is your love
Weston, Kim: Emotion
Whirlpool Productions: Tragedy
White, Barry: Night fever / Grease
White, Chilly and Kenny Peach: I started a joke
White, Peter: How deep is your love
White, Tony: To love somebody
Whitmill, Neville: Sinking ships
Whittaker, Roger: First of May
Wier, Rusty: To love somebody / Still waters run deep
Wild, Jack: The Lord
Wilde, Kim: If I can’t have you
Wildwood: One bad thing
Wilkinson, Tara: If I can’t have you
Willem, Christophe: Stayin alive
Williams, Andy: How can you mend a broken heart
Williams, Barry: To love somebody
Williams, D.: How deep is your love
Williams, Hank: To love somebody
Williams, Kathryn: I started a joke
Williams, Robbie: I started a joke / If I can’t have you
Williams, Roger: How can you mend a broken heart
Wilson, Ann: How deep is your love
Wilson, Mari: How can you mend a broken heart
Wilson, Robert Earl: Hold on to my love
Wilson, Tony: To love somebody
Wilton, Jerry: Jumbo
Winans Phase 2, The: Too much heaven
Winans, The: Too much heaven
Winkler, Gustav: My world
Winner, Dana: Woman in love
Wizex: First of May / Ar du pa vag (=Woman in love)
Wolfe Tones: First of May
Wolfe, Kelli: Eyes / Born to be loved by you
Wonderbread: Night fever / Jive talkin
Wonderful Sax: Too much heaven
Wonders, The: Massachusetts
Woodford and Company: Secret love / To love somebody
Woods, Stevie: Heart (Stop beating in time)
Wright, Shannon: I started a joke
Wunderlich, Klaus: Saved by the bell / Massachusetts
Wyclef Jean: We tryin to stay alive (=Stayin’ alive)


Ya Yas: To love somebody
Yagami, Junko: How deep is your love
Yang Yang: Melody fair
Yarbrough, Glen: Give your best
Yarrow, Peter: How can you mend a broken heart
Yasui, Byron: First of May
Yndio, Los: Yo comence la broma (=I started a joke) / Como ayudar a un corazon roto (=How can you mend a broken heart)
Young Fresh Fellows: Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy of Arts
Young, Johnny: Craise Finton Kirk… / Every Christian lion…/ I am the world / Lady
Youth Damien: Kilburn Towers
Yuki: How deep is your love


Zamfir, Gheorghe: How deep is your love / Run to me / Woman in love
Zanicchi, Iva: Forte piu forte (=Woman in love)
Zariz, Jose: Woman in love
Zehnpfennig, Ady: To love somebody
Zetlitz, Bertine: Islands in the stream
Zim Zemarel: How deep is your love
Zimmer, Joanna: Islands in the stream
Zop Hop Op: To love somebody
Zsuzsa, Mátray: Szerelmes asszony (Woman in love)




There are many more, but here you have 1,594 artists who have performed or sampled songs written by the Gibb brothers.


Collaborators: Renan Nunes, Dirk Grossiels, Dawni Martinez, Kelly and James Reed, Stephan Koenig, Marcio Bernardes, Joan Picas, Santiago Jimeno, Michel Henry, Rik van Driel, Christian Jespersen, Gordon Peng, Sebastian Wanke, Cristian Raul Gatti, Brian Nelson, Juan Cristobal, Gilles Snowcat, Aisha Breen, Ana, Ana Paula, Austin Stewart, Harm Dragt, Robert Kim, Toon de Rouw, Cote, Fabio Corbisiero, Yuzuru Yamamae, Dimka Simpson, Marty Hogan, D.R. Carpenter, Francesco Mastroianni, Jim Carino, James Bennett, Richard O Donoghue, Tunde Toldy, Peter Litjens, R.Witjes, Stephanie Roosa, Steven Johnson, Jan van Dijk, Pat Richmond, Matt Gruber, Luis Roque Surruguay, Saemi Saemundsson, Ninneke, Mike Jamieson, Carlos Zanon, MoRobBaz, Alice Keymer, Abul Islam, Paul Trigwell, Sten Darell, Wellington Gomes da Silva Filho, Michael Pritchett, Stefano Vasini, Freedy Cools, Eddio J. Pina, Mats Butenschön, Leia Ismail