
Fitas K7

Seguem algumas ficas cassete da coleção do pessoal do...

Dionne Warwick e Barry Gibb são homenageados no Kennedy Center Honors

Foi uma noite e tanto no Kennedy Center Honors!...

The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written more hit songs than almost anyone

KENNEDY CENTER HONORS The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written...

1st no Brasil por Antonio Molitor

"Bee Gees 1st" é o terceiro álbum de estúdio...

Soldier Johnny

Written by:Maurice GibbB. Lawrie(1970) Lead vocals:Maurice Gibb Album:Maurice Gibb:The loner(bootleg) Transcript byMohamad Farghaly     Lie down upon the grass girlpull your sweet hair...

So Far So Good

Written by:Robin GibbMaurice GibbLawrence(1986) Lead vocals:Carola Album:Carola:Runaway(1986) With these words we speak of love.It's hard for us to end.It's all a fallacythat people do pretend....

Smoke And Mirrors

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1995) Lead vocals:Robin GibbBarry Gibb Album:Still waters(1997) When I was a boyall the books I readI followed like a blind manto...

Smile For Me

Written by:Barry GibbMaurice Gibb(1968) Lead vocals:"The Tigers" Album:The Tigers:Tiger's beat(1969)     Smile for meDon't let me see you cryingFor you must keep on tryingTo pretend...

Sitting In The Meadow

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1968) Lead vocals:Robin Gibb Album:----- Coca Cola radio commercial Transcript byMohamad Farghaly     Sitting in the meadow frolic in...

Sir Geoffrey Saved The World

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1967) Lead vocals:Barry GibbRobin Gibb Album:Tales from the brothers Gibb<compilation>(1990) Ah.....Every day's Saturday, feeling in steadily,laughing at people with stars in...


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Fitas K7

Seguem algumas ficas cassete da coleção do pessoal do...

The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written more hit songs than almost anyone

KENNEDY CENTER HONORS The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written...

1st no Brasil por Antonio Molitor

"Bee Gees 1st" é o terceiro álbum de estúdio...