Bee Gees

Fitas K7

Seguem algumas ficas cassete da coleção do pessoal do...

Dionne Warwick e Barry Gibb são homenageados no Kennedy Center Honors

Foi uma noite e tanto no Kennedy Center Honors!...

The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written more hit songs than almost anyone

KENNEDY CENTER HONORS The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written...

1st no Brasil por Antonio Molitor

"Bee Gees 1st" é o terceiro álbum de estúdio...

Party With No Name

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1990) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:High civilization(1991) Let's get started.Move in for the kill.So sincere.I'm here to bend your will. A man without...


Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1981) Lead vocals:Barry GibbRobin Gibb Album:Living eyes(1981) Lonely people gathering there to be one,gonna be the last time wasted,gonna be seen...

Paper Mache Cabbages And Kings

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1972) Lead vocals:Barry GibbRobin Gibb Album:To whom it may concern(1972) Na na na ...Paper mache and telegraph poles,things go dead in...

Paperback Writer

Written by:LennonMcCartney(1966) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Brilliant from birth<compilation>(1998) Paperback writer Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?It took me years to write, will...


Written by:See "Words" Lead vocals:JoseDurval Album:Jose y Durval:Todo por amor(1993) Smilean everlasting smile,a smile could bring you near to me. E nao (And no,)Nao quero...


Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1987) Lead vocals:Maurice Gibb Album:E.S.P.(1987) They say a fool never learns,you agree, I'm not superstitious,you know unlucky as I've been I'm...


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Fitas K7

Seguem algumas ficas cassete da coleção do pessoal do...

The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written more hit songs than almost anyone

KENNEDY CENTER HONORS The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written...

1st no Brasil por Antonio Molitor

"Bee Gees 1st" é o terceiro álbum de estúdio...