Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1995) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Still waters(1997) It happened in the middle of the night,when I thought I had control.Didn't...
Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1982) Lead vocals:Dionne Warwick<demo:Barry Gibb> Album:-D.Warwick: Heartbreaker (1982)-Heartbreaker demos <bootleg> They told me love don't last forever.Now I understand.To...
Written by:Barry GibbRobin Gibb(1975) Lead vocals:Percy Sledge Album:Percy Slege:Blue night(1994) Transcript byMohamad Farghaly When you get lonelyWhen you...
Written by:Maurice GibbKipner(1965) Lead vocals:Bip Adison Album:Assault the vaults<compilation>(1998) In the spring, a young man's fancy likely turnsto what he's been thinking...