Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1976) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Children of the world(1976) You stepped into my life and I'm, oh, so happy.You...
Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1976) Lead vocals:Joost de Jong Album:Catch the Fever(De musical Saturday Night Fever) Transcript byPeter Litjens Het meisje...
Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1976) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Children of the world(1976) My baby moves at midnight,goes right on till the dawn,My woman...
Written by:Barry Gibb(1965) Lead vocals:Lynn Fletcher Album:- How can you say that we can't get along.Baby, I've never ever done you wrong.No matter what you...
Written by:Robin GibbMaurice Gibb(1985) Lead vocals:Robin Gibb Album:Robin Gibb:Walls have eyes(1985) Giving you an ultimatum.Try to figure out why youact the...