Bee Gees

Fitas K7

Seguem algumas ficas cassete da coleção do pessoal do...

Dionne Warwick e Barry Gibb são homenageados no Kennedy Center Honors

Foi uma noite e tanto no Kennedy Center Honors!...

The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written more hit songs than almost anyone

KENNEDY CENTER HONORS The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written...

1st no Brasil por Antonio Molitor

"Bee Gees 1st" é o terceiro álbum de estúdio...

You Are My Love

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1982) Lead vocals:Dionne Warwick<demo:Barry Gibb> Album:-D.Warwick:Heartbreaker (1982)-Heartbreaker demos<bootleg> We can talk it over.You are alone like me.I could feel when you...

You And I

Written by:Barry GibbRobin GibbMaurice Gibb(1982) Lead vocals:Kenny Rogers<demo:Barry Gibb> Album:-K.Rogers:Eyes that see in the dark(1983)-Eyes that see.. demos<bootleg> All the man I am,you are the...


Written by:Barry Gibb(1967) Lead vocals:"Sounds of modification" Album:Sounds of modification:Sounds of modification(1968) You I can see the hands of time.Guess it's now my time to...

Yesterday’s Gone

Written by:KiddStuart(1964) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Brilliant from birth<compilation>(1998)     I loved you all the summer throughI thought I'd found my dream in youFor me you...

System Of Love

Written by:Barry GibbAlan Kendall(1986) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Hawks<soundtrack>(1988) Now you don't know what you have done.You made me what I thought I could never be.Out...


Written by:Barry GibbMaurice Gibb(1969) Lead vocals:Barry Gibb Album:Cucumber castle(1970) If your heart tells you sothat you should leave me,don't try to forgetyou and I never...


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Fitas K7

Seguem algumas ficas cassete da coleção do pessoal do...

The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written more hit songs than almost anyone

KENNEDY CENTER HONORS The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb has written...

1st no Brasil por Antonio Molitor

"Bee Gees 1st" é o terceiro álbum de estúdio...